Gorgeous natural drink to lose belly in five days.


        If you really want to lose weight then you should drink the green detox smoothie every night before going to bed. 

How to make the green detox smoothie to lose belly fat in five days?

- 1 cucumber

- Few parsley and coriander leaves

- 1 lemon

- 1 tbsp ginger

- ½ cup of water

Mix all of the ingredients in the blender, and drink it every night before you go to bed to lose your belly fat in five days!

The main benefit of this drink is that all its ingredients stimulate your body to lose weight...

1. It includes ginger, which works on burning your belly fat.

2. Green leafs like parsley and coriander, detox your body from its toxins; they contain low calories and they’re rich in vitamins and minerals.

3. Lemons are another great ingredient for detoxing.

4. Mixing these ingredients together into one drink can make you feel full!


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